
New Moon in Virgo September 14, 2023
New Moon in Virgo for September 14, 2023 Mercury has slowed down preparing to alter direction. Here, at the last minute, we understand something in

You Going My Way? Venus Retrograde
While this intense period since the Full Moon on August 3rd has been enlightening, I’m positive that when all is said and done, we will

North Node Aries South Node Libra “How to Make a Relationship Work”
Here we are in the last bits of time with the nodes about to make a major shift of focus for all of us. You

Solar Eclipse Energy for April 19th – 20th 2023
I was writing the other day when I was laid out in my chair from the pain. Here’s what I’ve got so far…. Solar (moon

Turning Intuition Into Concrete Forms
Do you know how hard it is to find a certified tarot school? I think there are perhaps two that I was able to find

Lilith in Leo
Lilith in Leo That sudden push to reach for success Curious that Pinocchio came to life from the hands of Geppetto, a creator. Geppetto dreamed