Preparing for the Energy to Shift!

More than ever, I truly believe that as Lilith moves out of Gemini we are going to experience some focus on a specific area of our lives that we haven’t given much thought to in the past.  As Lilith moves into Cancer, it will bring the insecurity of this area.  It’s an area that is […]

Earth Signs Love & Relationship Tarot Weekly

With Lilith leaving Gemini and heading into Cancer territory, the focus of information that solves problems will lead into a strong concern for home, family, ancestral roots, mother, mothering, nurturing and security.  As an Earth Sign, this may come as a frustrating time due to your nature to solve issues with solid solutions.  The emotions […]

Lilith in Gemini Right Now & What is Happening

Lilith is at 29 degrees of Gemini, which is causing some energy flow.  I’m going to talk a bit about Neptune conjunct Jupiter and the impact that is happening now with the energies.  ~M

Water Signs Love & Relationship Tarot Weekly

Hello all!  Truly hoping you had a good weekend.  The Moon & Uranus were squaring that hot mess in Aquarius, and it definitely got folks moving – some in anger.  My thoughts are with us all as we navigate!  ~M