Earth Signs Love & Relationship Tarot Weekly

With Lilith leaving Gemini and heading into Cancer territory, the focus of information that solves problems will lead into a strong concern for home, family, ancestral roots, mother, mothering, nurturing and security.  As an Earth Sign, this may come as a frustrating time due to your nature to solve issues with solid solutions.  The emotions […]

Lilith in Gemini Right Now & What is Happening

Lilith is at 29 degrees of Gemini, which is causing some energy flow.  I’m going to talk a bit about Neptune conjunct Jupiter and the impact that is happening now with the energies.  ~M

Water Signs Love & Relationship Tarot Weekly

Hello all!  Truly hoping you had a good weekend.  The Moon & Uranus were squaring that hot mess in Aquarius, and it definitely got folks moving – some in anger.  My thoughts are with us all as we navigate!  ~M